Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fun at the Festival of Trees

I had another great year helping out with the Festival of Trees. My friend Stephanie agreed to be on the same committee as me a couple of years ago. I have fun doing stuff for Festival with her. This year we made our crafts for the gift shop together. We acquired some soap dispensers and put fun little quotes on transparency film inside of them. My other friends Heather and Shana helped us finish tying the bows on them. I wish I remembered to take a picture of them. I'm sure you've seen something like it before.

I have some awesome friends. Check out this picture of some of us that helped wrap-up the Festival. The others had already left for the evening before I could get everyone to group up for the picture. I love these guys. I hope they're all free next year to come and help again. I sure had fun.
We wrapped the trees on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, Stephanie and I joined Kathy Purser and her family to go and deliver the trees. Here's a picture I got of another group loading the tree that my sister's friends, the Millers, made in honor of their son who died a few years ago. The name of the tree is "It's all Good." It had a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. The tree was upside down with Jack Skelington poking his head out the top. The tree was almost too tall to fit in the truck.

I'll never forget the years that my cousins, Brad & Nathan, brought everyone from Helaman Halls down to help wrap the trees. If they ever move back to Utah, maybe they can join us and we can have an even larger super crew.