Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sudoku Addiction

I'm getting addicted to Sudoku as I keep playing it on my new Palm Centro (c) phone that I got for Christmas. I'm only a beginner, but I still enjoy it. I just downloaded some new puzzles to sync to my phone. While I was at the website I saw that I could add a Sudoku link to my blog. Enjoy!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Team Vault Presentation

I'm excited to say that I got an "A" in this class. Team Vault Rocks!

December 11, 2008

Ryan Norby, Drue Kehl (Inventor of the Carpet Extractor),
Brady Griffiths, Me, Tyler Wilkes

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I've had a lot of fun with Family and Friends these last several weeks...

Shana, Kristy, and Stephanie waiting with me for TRAX to go to "First Night"

Joseph's Tree at the Festival of Trees

Lee Faldmo's Tree at Festival of Trees

Connor Dehlin and Me after his performance at the Festival of Trees

My mom hosted with me at the Friendship Tree at the Festival of Trees.

My cousin's son Sutter from California. My dad's brother Paul and his family usually come to SLC every Christmastime. They come eat dinner with us one of the nights that they are in town. My aunt Pam owns her childhood home located in SLC so they come to stay at it often.

Zeke, Justin, and Stella--Crystal's family came over for dinner too.

My cousin Katil giving my dad a head-lock.

Justin & Crystal

My Jacob-Cousins' Katil & Tully

My Stephens-Cousin Jeff. The case he was working on settled earlier then expected, so his family surprised everyone by coming to SLC for Christmas. Brad came with them. They left for home after Carrie spoke in church for her "mission farewell." She's going to Brazil.

Benjamin (Jeff's son)

Claire (Jeff's Daughter)

Lauren (Jeff's wife)

Stephens-Cousin Brad

Braxton & David--My brother and his family came to town the day after Christmas. They were still in town for Carrie's "farewell" too.

Braxton & Cambrea

Christmas Morning-Stella

Justin & Stella

Crystal, Zeke, Oscar, Felicity, Stella's head, Brody, and Maizy

My sister, Charity, gave my dad a puzzle of him picking his nose. It's been a big hit with all who see it.

Brody with his new puppy and slide. Felicity's family came to town on Christmas Eve.

Kit & Brody

Charity's friend gave her a "boyfriend" for Christmas. I thought it was a very creative gift. My brother-in-law Kit came across some huge diamond rings (keychains) and thought they were the perfect gifts for Charity and I.
I took Zeke and Maizy to see Santa vs. the Snowman in 3-D on the ATK IMAX Screen at Clark Planetarium. I believe this is our third year going to see it. We also ate lunch at Wendy's, took some money to the Road Home Shelter, rode TRAX a couple of blocks to see my dad at work at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and got kiddie cones at McDonalds when we got back home.



My last day with SLC International Department of Airports Finance Division. We had our Christmas Party this day too.
I got a cool Lava Lamp in the Gift Exchange.

Nephi from the American Continent comes to Testify of Jesus Christ and hand out Shepherd's Crooks to the Children at our Ward Christmas Party. I've never seen that before.

Primary Children sing at our Ward Christmas Party

Team Vault

Last semester I took Business Communications at SLCC. Our final weeks were spent working in teams on a research project for a local business or organization, after which we wrote a managerial report. I got to work with some awesome guys. We called ourselves "Team Vault."
Ryan Norby, our team leader, came up with the name. He was drinking a bottled drink called "Vault" at the time.

We did some marketing research for a new invention called the Carpet Extractor. One of the things we did in our project was create a little commercial and posted it on YouTube(c). Credit needs to go to Tyler's friend, Ted the Rose Phantom, for helping us.

Betcha Can't do This!

I had no idea that my nephew, Oscar, had such a unique talent. Try this...

Isn't it so cool? I've been trying and I just can't get my ears to do it.

I love it when he pulls on his earlobes and his ears pop out.